Security Tip: Encrypt with FileVault

Do you need to secure and protect files on your Mac? FileVault is a built-in app that is integrated with the Mountain Lion operating system and allows you to easily encrypt your data.
Do you need to secure and protect files on your Mac? FileVault is a built-in app that is integrated with the Mountain Lion operating system and allows you to easily encrypt your data.
Today’s Mac laptops gives you the power of a desktop, allowing you to take that power on the road and work remotely. However as with any laptop you are often limited by the battery life of the laptop, especially if you are away from an AC power source, such as on a plane.
There are a few tips and tricks that you will allow you to maximize the battery life and allow you to get that last minute report done before your flight lands.
If you have already upgraded your computer to OS X Lion, but forgot to save a copy of the installer to create a bootable installer, you are not alone. Having a bootable installer allows you to quickly and easily rebuild your system in the event of an incident without having to install Snow Leopard from disk and then upgrading using the Mac App Store. Well, there’s an easy way to get that installer and burn an installer disk, giving you that warm and fuzzy feeling.
Have you ever gotten that “iTunes could not back up the iPad because a session could not be started with the iPad” or “iTunes could not sync information to the iPad because another sync session was already running” error message when attempting to sync your iPad? You are not alone and there is usually an easy fix to the problem.
Are you planning on buying an iPad when released? Have you really thought about if you really need 3G? Well, there’s a way to get 3G connectivity along with more flexibility and capabilities for your mobile computing needs and not locking yourself in to just the iPad.
Did you know that iTunes 9 added a new feature that will allow you to automatically add media files to your iTunes library? Using a feature called “Automatically Add to iTunes”, you can easily add media to iTunes.
Have you encountered the occasional OS X problem and the inability to empty your Mac’s Trash? There are numerous tricks for forcing the Mac to empty the Trash, but if all fails there is one last method.
Do you use the Quicklook feature in Snow Leopard? Did you know that you can get a visual preview of the files in a particular folder without opening the folder? It’s easy with a simple Terminal command.
Did you know that you can get more detailed information from the icons on your menu bar? By using the Option key when clicking on the various system icons, you’ll get more detailed and valuable information than by just clicking them.
Did you know that you can do a Spotlight search of your Time Machine backups to find past versions of files that you may have lost or deleted? Spotlight normally searches for current versions of files on your Mac, but using Time Machine you can go back in time and find previous versions or files that you may have deleted.