Tips & Tricks: Finder - Organize Folders using “Keep Arranged by” Shortcut

Tips & Tricks: Finder – Organize Folders using “Keep Arranged by” Shortcut

July 8, 2009 in Tips & Tricks by Bob Faulhaber

Do you like to keep your folders arranged in a certain order? Using the default “Arrange by” option works file to arrange files once with any new files just getting added at the end.

Tips & Tricks: Print Directly From Desktop

Tips & Tricks: Print Directly From Desktop

July 1, 2009 in How-To, Tips & Tricks by Bob Faulhaber

Do you want a quick way to print files from your Desktop without having to open the application first? There’s a quick way to let you print files from the Desktop.

How-To: Email Important Event Reminders to Your Cellphone

How-To: Email Important Event Reminders to Your Cellphone

June 24, 2009 in How-To, Tips & Tricks by Bob Faulhaber

Do you sometimes need a reminder for an important event or meeting? If you leave your home or office computer on at all times, it’s easy with a few steps to setup your Address Book and iCal to send you an email.

Disk Utility: Trouble Formatting or Erasing that Windows PC Hard Drive?

Disk Utility: Trouble Formatting or Erasing that Windows PC Hard Drive?

June 22, 2009 in Tips & Tricks by Mark

So you are trying to format a drive you know is setup for PC or Windows. You keep getting an error stating Disk Erase failed, or /dev/rdisk1s1: partition size not a multiple of 4K. Its not so much an error, but rather a common oversight.

Tips & Tricks: Customize the Dock

Tips & Tricks: Customize the Dock

June 17, 2009 in Tips & Tricks by Bob Faulhaber

Just like everything else on the Mac, the Dock can be customized to suit your specific tastes. Would you like the Dock to disappear and only appear when needed, or would the Dock along the side of your screen work better, or are the icons too big or small?

There are several ways to customize the Dock; either using System Preferences, Dock Options in the Apple menu, or a “secret” pop-up menu in the Dock itself.

Photoshop CS4 Disable Canvas Rotation (Zoom & Rotate) via Trackpad Plug-in for Mac

Photoshop CS4 Disable Canvas Rotation (Zoom & Rotate) via Trackpad Plug-in for Mac

June 16, 2009 in Tips & Tricks by Mark

Apple worked closely with Adobe during the development of Photoshop CS4 in order to take advantage of the new multitouch gestures supported by the new Macbook Pro and Air systems. Anyone who has editing in Photoshop with their trackpad will soon notice how easy it is to accidentally activate the Canvas Rotation and begin rotating and zooming your image.

Security: Delete Files and Erase Disks Securely

Security: Delete Files and Erase Disks Securely

June 15, 2009 in How-To, Tips & Tricks by Bob Faulhaber

So, what happens when you move a file to the Trash and empty the Trash, it’s gone, right? Well not exactly.

In reality OS X is just marking the disk sectors as available to store new data. Until a new file overwites that location just about any hard drive recovery or forensic tool could recover that data.

PC to Mac: Using Terminal to Fix Multiple Locked Files and Folders At Once

PC to Mac: Using Terminal to Fix Multiple Locked Files and Folders At Once

June 10, 2009 in Tips & Tricks by Mark

You might find your old PC data to have tons of random Locked files and folders in Mac OS X. Terminal comes to the rescue with chflags command that will help us unlock the file/folder by removing the locks in masses.

Tips & Tricks: Mac Security Fixes: Set a Firmware Password

Tips & Tricks: Mac Security Fixes: Set a Firmware Password

June 2, 2009 in Essentials, How-To, Tips & Tricks by Bob Faulhaber

The biggest risk to your Mac is if it is lost, stolen or physically compromised. If you setup a secure password as discussed previously and the thief can’t login, they can still gain access to all your data using one of the special start-up modes built into all Macs.

Tips & Tricks: Working with Multiple Applications at Once

Tips & Tricks: Working with Multiple Applications at Once

June 1, 2009 in How-To, Tips & Tricks by Bob Faulhaber

In Mac OS X, you can keep several applications and windows open at once. You can just single click the icon in the Dock, but there are also some shortcuts available to switch between these applications quickly and easily.

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