Review: Twittelator Pro v3.1

Twittelator Pro v3.1 from Stone Design is probably one of most full-featured Twitter clients now available. If you used or looked at an older version in the past, Twittelator Pro v3.1 deserves another long hard look.
Twittelator Pro sports a whole new look with three different themes, easy navigation from the Tab bar or the ability to view trends, subgroups, recent tweets and search on any keyword possible.
The application supports multiple accounts, allowing you to switch between accounts easily. You can also set your location either as latitude/longitude or using place names. The Settings pane also allows you to set how many tweets to load, how you want to view and read tweets, whether to open links in Safari or the built-in browser, the link shortening service to use, along with what media upload services to use, just to name a few of the options.
Creating tweets couldn’t be easier. Besides the editor, which supports both landscape and portrait mode, you can also tweet pictures and with the new iPhone 3GS, you can even shoot, edit and tweet videos. Pictures and videos are uploaded to the media upload service of your choice, such as TwitPic or TwitVid. You can even add a map of your current location to your tweet.
Viewing and reading tweets in Twittelator Pro is a snap, with numerous features, including replying, re-tweeting. copying entire tweets or links, emailing and even the ability to favorite a tweet. An extremely useful feature is the ability to send tweets or links to your Instapaper account for later viewing. Twittelator displays images inline and has an internal browser to supports both landscape and portrait modes.
By tapping on a user’s icon, you can bring up that User’s Details, showing their latest tweet, location, number of tweets, friends, followers and favorites, along with the ability to either start or stop following that user. You can also send them a reply or a private message right for that pane.
Twittelator Pro v3.1 has tons of other features too numerous to mention here, but this new version definitely adds the features and options that could make this your one and only Twitter client for the iPhone/iPod Touch, especially if you’ve used separate clients for different Twitter accounts in the past. We like what we see in this version and look forward to continued upgrades and enhancements.
The application is available on the App Store for $4.99