Review: Google AdSense iPhone App Roundup

Essential Tools for Webmaster and Bloggers, Here we throw all the AdSense iPhone Apps into the ring. SenseApp vs iEarn vs QuickSense vs iAdSense
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SenseApp is the app I wish provided more consistency and speed. The menu is intuitive, and the information it provides is beautifully displayed. The strongest points of this app are the graphs, percentage based history, and ability to use multiple AdSense accounts. The drill down info show each individual channel ad, however the details are limited to Clicks and Impressions, nothing fancy like eCPM. I do feel the graphs make up for the missing information as they show you how much weight each ad is pulling, that feature is unique to this app.
The one downside that I ran into over the course of several months of using the app is that it occasionally pulled in bogus data. Which then threw off every field, and in my eyes making the app un-unable since there is no way to clear the data unless you don’t use the app for about 3+ days. If I didn’t come across this problem I would be using this app more often.
Time until Data Load
3G: 27 Seconds
Wifi: 21 Seconds
Cost: $3.99 - Download it now!

I’m sad to say I downloaded this app last, simply because its the one I find myself in over and over again. It just works, the data is accurate, speed is good, and it provides a plethora information to drill down into. You can manage multiple accounts and Iit shows you your Summary in Today, Yesterday, Last 7 Days, This Month, Last Month, and Last Month. You can click the History section and it will provide a Daily summary history which goes back in 1 month increments, from each day you can drill down into the channel data. You can view information such as Summary or Channel Breakdown with Impressions Counts, Clicks, CTR , eCPM, and Earnings Per Click Estimate for each Ad. The bottom line, this app gets ALL the info you need, quickly and intuitively.
Time until Data Load
3G: 6 Seconds
Wifi: 6 Seconds
Cost: $3.99 - Download it now!

iEarn was among the first iPhone apps to provide your Google AdSense data. They have recently made some improvements to let you view the details. It will show you the same info as most other Apps, Today - Since Last Payment, the statistics icon will also show you some info such as Impressions, Clicks, eCPM, and CTR. While that is critical information in my opinion, it adds no value to the webmaster unless you can drill down into the channel data. This app is limited to one AdSense account. Its nice that the developer added the option to prompt for a password prior to launch, no other apps at this time have that capability. This app gets the job done (a little slow), but you wont have the needed tools to fine tune your channel data.
Time until Data Load
3G: 29 Seconds
Wifi: 27 Seconds
Cost: $1.99 - Download it now!

iAdSense is pretty basic, but its fast and accurate, as long as you hit the refresh icon after the initial Please wait screen. If you are looking for something cheap and to provide most the goods on one page, get this app and call it done. Keep in mind it wont provide channel breakdowns, or provide for multiple accounts but does show the usual Impressions, Clicks, CTR, eCPM, and Earnings with three very limiting time options, Today, Yesterday, and This Month.
Time until Data Load
After Initial “Please Wait Screen”
3G: 14 Seconds
Wifi: 11 Seconds
After Initial “Please Wait Screen”
3G: 6 Seconds
Wifi: 3 Seconds
**Please note, when first loading the app it says “Please wait” and nothing happens until you click the refresh button.
Cost: $0.99 - Download it now!

Its pretty close on this one between SenseApp and QuickSense. However as I stated in the reviews I use QuickSense much more often than any others. QuickSense is “quicker” than SenseApp and based on my experience, more reliable. Additionally it provides the greatest history and earnings detail of any of the apps shown. Just pick a day or a ad channel and you will have all the information needed to fine tune your ads.
QuickSense gets the seal of approval! Without a doubt the most useful Google AdSense App for the iPhone.

AdSense, Apps, Google, iAdSense, iEarn, iPhone, QuickSense, SenseApp
September 17, 2009 at 3:13 pm | Delicious Monies
Good review! My experience has been inconsistent on load times, but quicksense is the app I use as well. Glad to see I’m not the only one!
November 4, 2009 at 11:38 am | berzniz
There’s a new free app: SimpleSense… it’s the only one free, but you really only get the basic.